Building Marshal Program

Building Marshal Program

Join the building marshal team today!

To enhance emergency planning at both the department and building levels, GCCCD Public Safety oversees the campus Building Marshal Program.

In collaboration with department deans, chairs, and managers, building marshals are recruited to assist with evacuations during emergencies.

Building marshals are needed on every floor of every building across the district and campuses.

In the event of an evacuation, building marshals will be easily identifiable by their bright yellow vests and whistles. They will guide staff, students, faculty, and visitors to the nearest emergency exit and designated emergency evacuation/assembly points.

For more information on the educational and training benefits, view and download the flyer.


Building marshals must be willing to assume the required duties and participate in training to acquire and maintain the necessary skills. Trainings offer a great opportunity to meet and get to know other building marshals in your building.

General Basic Building Marshal Training

  1. GCCCD Emergency Procedures
  2. Incident Command Structure (ICS)
  3. GCCCD General Evacuation Procedures
  4. Equipment Distribution

Building Specific Training

Building evacuation routes, exits, evacuation points

Specific areas of responsibility for each Building Marshal

These sessions are scheduled as needed although they should be held at least once annually. Additionally, there are other types of trainings that take place throughout the year. Check out the flyer and/or contact for more information.

Building Marshal Responsibilities

Following a major earthquake or other disaster that damages campus buildings, building marshals will assist in the orderly evacuation to designated safety areas.

When an alarm sounds or at the request of Public Safety, building marshals will help evacuate the building. Once the building is evacuated, they will secure entrances, direct personnel at least 100 feet away, and prevent re-entry until emergency personnel declare it safe.

Building marshals will report injuries and the probable locations of trapped individuals to emergency personnel. If necessary, they will also assist in moving people to designated campus evacuation staging areas or shelters.

Additional Training Resources

  1. AED Instructions
  2. Building Evacuation Procedures
  3. Critical Life Safety Skills
  4. Fire Alarm Protocol
  5. Traffic Control

If you are interested in becoming a building marshal or simply want to learn more, the first step is to complete our basic building marshal training.

Contact today for more information and/or to sign up.

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