Health and Safety

Health and Safety Image

The GCCCD is firmly committed to maintaining a safe and healthful working environment for all District employees.  As part of this commitment, the District has established, implemented, and maintains an effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) as required under the California Code of Regulations (CCCR) Title 8, Section 3203; Accident Prevention Program as part of the Injury and Illness Prevention Program; the Hazard Communication Program, (HazCom) Section 5194; the Bloodborne Pathogen Program, (BBP) Section 5193.

IIPP Program Overview

The District and its Governing Board, students and employees have the right to learn and work in a safe and peaceful campus environment.  The object of our safety program is to provide a safe environment through prevention with resulting reduction or elimination in employee and student injuries, damage to materials or equipment and the related costs, both direct and indirect.  The IIPP details the functions and procedures to implement and maintain our District safety program.