Quick reference guides to search for a provider:
- Medical - Kaiser HMO
- Medical - United Healthcare HMO
- Dental - Delta Dental HMO and PPO
- Vision - VSP PPO
UnitedHealthcare HMO Network Comparison
Provider Medical Groups for San Diego County
Employees may opt-out of enrollment in a medical plan only with proof of other coverage. The following will be required and will need to be attached in the open enrollment task in Workday before submission. Employees that waive medical must still enroll in dental and vision.
- 2024 Medical Waiver Form (required annually)
- Proof of other coverage
Alternatively, two employees who are married, both eligible for benefits, and both working for the District may choose to be enrolled all under one person. Consequently, the other person will be able to waive medical, dental, and vision coverage in Workday because their spouse has enrolled them under their own coverage.
Please note that bargaining unit contracts do not allow for double coverage. Married employees who both work for the District cannot be enrolled under each other's plans and dependent children cannot be enrolled in both parents plans at the same time.